Buyer Accepted.



Buyer Accepted is a mortgage company under the New American Funding Umbrella. This brand is solely focused on providing buyers the ability to become an all cash buyer. The second focus is to target real estate agents to become certified to offer their customers the ability to become cash buyers.


Worked closely with the Executive V.P. of Marketing to understand the scope and expectations of the product. Then did a competitor analysis within the sub-market to see what is lacking and what can be added to the current site.


The Buyer Accepted site has been up for short while; however, the Executive V.P. of marketing wanted to revamp the style, as it was rushed and designed by the head of the graphic design team. The Marketing team wanted to update the styling to match what is current and considered modern within the industry. Another issue that was found was that the pages lacked a good structure of information.


While keeping the branding, I decided to add more illustrations and break up the current long sections into multiple easily digestable sections. I then fixed the inconsistent image color grading with those that matched. I also decided to place an interactive benefits section on the home page to improve the consumption of information for the user. Lastly, more CTAs were added to provide links for the user to easily navigate important parts of the site.